CALL: 212.757.6233

Copyrights, Name & Likness Protection

FGM is proud of the success our colleagues Saby Ghosh and Eamon Dornan have in protecting the Copyright property and the Name and Likeness rights of the creative community.

Armed with the strenght of these talented lawyers FGM will secure the talent's copyright property and handle all of the filings and registrations.

We will draft the secure Name & Likness Use agreements for all commercial use of the talent's Work,Name & Likeness.

FGM will not tolerate those predators that seek to exploit the Copyrights Name & Likeness propert rights of clients. Our attorneys will vigourously fight all infringers


Our Firm

About the Firm
Mission Statement
Vision Statement

McCabe & Associates
45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000
New York, NY 10111
Tel: 212.757.6233
Mail us : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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